


Been working a lot on knitted orders as well as a bunch of online 'things'.  Along with my FB page, my Etsy shop, my Twitter (which isn't anything, really) and my photography, I am also doing a lot of paperwork and training for a new (part time) job and I'm helping my church with online goodness as well (getting upcoming events posted online type of stuff).  Got to spread the Good Word and hopefully get some more people to join us for a service or two (or, fingers crossed, become members!)  That would be lovely!!  
So, basically, just taking a moments break from it all to jot down a few words about everything  ;)
I hope everyone is having a Tanti Tuesday
Just a quick little update

The fish washcloths for little ones, mitts for toddlers, and walker handle covers are the three most requested items this past week.  

I've been quite the busy little bee.  Also, been working on a few more mug cozies.  Other than that, not a whole lot of stuff going on - just knitting the days away.  Looking forward to the nicer weather, I love knitting outside =)

Happy Monday, everyone





A few weeks ago, I got an odd request for an item.  I made it up and sent it out.  My little project worked out so well that 6 more pair were ordered.  What was this item?  Covers for the handles on walkers.  I'm hoping to get a photo of them in use, but I'm not holding my breath.  The items are shipped more than three thousand miles away.  Maybe I'll take a trip to an assisted living community and see if some folks will model for me  =)

Thank you, everyone!  The winner has been notified and will receive a free item from The House.  Keep an eye out, though .... More ways to win are just around the corner.  
A great big THANK YOU to all of my 50 fans.  I don't know most of you, but I appreciate every single one.
The next person that "Likes" the site will be # 50!!!!  If this is you - find a way to let me know.  Screen shot the like and email it to me, screen shot your facebook page, anything you can think of.  Just let me know.  
So, my website is almost to 50 likes!  I want to do something for #50.  Problem is, I have no idea who (most of) the likes belong to.  I was thinking of asking #50 to send me a Screen Shot of their FaceBook showing the newly added "like".  If there is an easier way or you have another idea/suggestion, PLEASE let me know!  I'm not opposed to doing something special for those that send me ideas/suggestions  ;)  So, let me know, folks!  :-D

Just a quick little blog because I can't sleep.  Part of me wants to get up work on my "big project" but I'd really rather get a couple of hours of sleep before Monday starts.  On the plus side, today was eventful.  I got more items for baby showers finished up, posted a few things to the site, and started writing up a new pattern.  Oh, and I got photos edited and sent off.  All in all, I'd say it was a pretty good Sunday all around.  With the exception of tonight's lack of sleep  :p
It is a chilly, windy, and rainy Sunday.  After spending much of Saturday working on baby/toddler items, today I need to focus on photo editing and uploading.  Afterwards, I can get some more knitting done.  Which will then mean pulling out the light box so more photos can be taken, edited, and uploaded  =)  Good times!

Happy Sunday, everyone!  
It is Saturday!  After a week of freezing, snowy, rainy weather I have green grass again and almost NO trace of snow.  Granted, it rained all night and most of the morning - but the sun is shining this afternoon!  It's still a bit chilly out, but nothing like it was =)
This upcoming week is going to be spent on Baby Stuff. Lots and lots of babies are going to be entering this world within the next couple of months and I have lots of Baby Shower Gifts requests.  I would love to hear what your favorite Baby Shower gifts are (that you've received, given, or would like to receive).  Leave a comment below or Contact the House to send a private message.  
Have a fantastic Saturday, everyone!! 

Schools were closed Tue-Fri due to snow/ice.  That's 4 days of snow days after a 3 day weekend.  Little one's and college kids alike, could be found frolicking around in the snow all week.  My fur-babies are practically hibernating.  It doesn't matter what it's like inside, they know how cold it is outside.  They spend the majority of their day curled up sleeping, moving to get a bite to eat and a cuddle.
For me, I have baby shower gifts to get finished up and a trip to the post office to make (just as soon as the roads clear up a bit).  
I hope everyone has a safe, warm, and wonderful Friday =)