Whenever I have a horrible night's sleep, I find myself wishing I had just stayed up and spent the night knitting.  Last night was one of those nights.  I kept waking up until finally, at 5am, I just decided to stay up.  This is going to make for a long day and I'll probably end up finding myself waking up from a surprise nap sometime around lunch.  But, until then, I have some little fish washcloths to make up.
Happy Hump Day, everyone!  

This winter had been pretty mild for us, until the other morning (early).  We had some snow accumulation on Sunday but just enough to freeze over night and make the roads difficult.  Nothing too exciting on Monday.  But, last night (early morning) it started snowing.  Schools were closed today, they are advising to stay off the roads, and saying that if you have to go out, take supplies with you (shovel, snow tires, food, water, etc).  
When it comes to snow, I have mixed feelings.  I love watching it snow.  I love seeing the trees dusted with the white powder.  While it is actually snowing, I can be caught looking dreamily out across the field, lost in my own world.  However, when there's nothing left but the cold, that's when I daydream about being on some sandy beach with palm trees nearby.  Yup, I don't 'do' the cold.  We've never agreed and that's why you can usually find me wrapped up in a blanket and knitting on chilly days/nights.  
Which is exactly what I intend to do today.  Grab one of my favorite blankets, my knitting, and as the snow continues to fall all around us, I'll be cuddled up with my little Charley girl knitting the day away  <3

Have a Happy Tuesday, wherever you are and whatever you're doing today
Monday!  Time to kick off a brand new week =)    New items to get started this week.  My hope is to have them done and posted by the weekend.  Stay tuned ....

Also, taking suggestions/ideas about a Valentine's Day Give-Away (Sunday's blog entry).  What would make a good PRIZE for someone to win?
Valentine's Day is right around the corner - and every where you go you are being reminded of this ;)    I want to do some sort of Give Away.  But, I need your help - What should I make for the prize and How should you win it?  I'm horrible, aren't I?  The two main things, and I need help (*sigh)  Anyhow - I'm taking any and all suggestions.  You can comment on this blog post, use the Contact the House page, or comment on my FaceBook status what you think the prize should be and/or how you think it should be won.  I will consider all serious suggestions.


I got photos taken of (almost) all of my yarn and got a lot of them on my FB Page.  I got, at least, 3 more items up on Etsy, and even got an item up on my Purchase Now page.  I feel that I was decently productive.  I plan on getting more items up on my Purchase Now page over the next couple of days.
The weather has turned.  It started snowing early this morning (about 4 hours ago) and now there's a couple of inches of the white stuff all over.  This is our first snow fall of the season.  I thought we were going to be snow free, but it finally caught us.  
On the plus side, all of this snow makes me want to knit more scarves and mittens and hats  =)
Happy Sunday
Currently the Product Information page is being 're-evaluated'.  Problem is, I'll keep racking my brain about how it *should* look and it's final look.  I'm going to take a break from knitting today (well, not for the whole day) to get some different photos up.  Photos of items as well as colors they're available in - that sorta thing.  I might as well take that opportunity to wind up some of my yarn into balls.  My Etsy page has a couple of my items up and going.  I would like to get that page a little more solid, too.  And, I feel like I've been neglecting my FaceBook page :(    
So, here are the goals for today:
Get photos taken for P.I page
Work on P.I page
Put more items in Etsy shop
Give FB page some TLC

Shouldn't be *too* hard.

Another day full of knitting is in store.  I made great progress in the most recent order and am happy to say that it is almost complete after only 1 day.  And I even took a house cleaning break.  It is not my largest order to date, but is nowhere near being my smallest order.  Next on my "things to make" list is a pair of yoga socks.  I can't wait to get started and to get photos up.  But, before I can start anything on my "things to make" list, I need to get orders completed.  Three more scarves and it's on to new things  ;)

With all of this yarn that I already have, it surprises me when I have to pick up more.  Wouldn't you know there's an order for something in a color that I've run out of :-p
No big deal, really.  I live right by the shop and by the time the order is complete, I won't have any "extra" yarn to add to my stash.  Not that having more yarn is a bad thing ;)    I'm hoping to add to and spruce up this photo album.  New items have been taking a back seat to current orders lately.  Which isn't a bad thing.  I'm just antsy to update stuff  ;)
Well, Happy Hump-Day, everyone!  Off to pick up some yarn and get my knit on  =)

I organized my yarn yesterday and sorted through my made items.  I decided it was time to update my Etsy account with some of my  newer items.  It's easier, for some people, to order that way.  Thanks for the feedback, folks.  I do appreciate it.  Now, on to make some new/more items!  =)  Suggestions?  Ideas?  Requests?  Let me know . . . .

The other day I started a new cowl pattern.  I'm loving it, but had to take a break.  So, I made a up some finger-less mitts (toddler size) and some wash cloths for little kiddos.  I love them both!  I've posted photos here though I don't think the color I chose (the baby green) is very photo friendly.  Talk about instant gratification, though - both items are a decently quick make.  =)
On today's To Do list is to go through and organize all my yarn and get it stored better (i.e easier for me to find exactly what I'm looking for) again.  I do this every couple of months.  I have to.  Something always comes up and I'm in a mad dash to fill multiple orders at one time so things get moved around a bit.  No big deal, but since it has slowed down, I'm going to take this opportunity to get my gear in good order.
Feel free to leave comments on things (this blog, my facebook page/photos, etc.)  I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!!